Institution | Number of Objects | Per-field Counts |
bampfa | 24236 | types and tokens |
botgarden | 55037 | types and tokens |
cinefiles | 93222 | types and tokens |
pahma | 755201 | types and tokens |
ucjeps | 1038771 | types and tokens |
Institution | Core | Objects w Images | Images |
bampfa | internal | 10148 | 16907 |
bampfa | public | 24237 | 24237 |
botgarden | internal | 21129 | 21129 |
botgarden | propagations | 0 | 0 |
botgarden | public | 21129 | 21129 |
cinefiles | public | 15 | 15 |
pahma | internal | 649862 | 1889465 |
pahma | locations | 0 | 0 |
pahma | osteology | 7 | 7 |
pahma | public | 590624 | 638652 |
ucjeps | media | 19473 | 19473 |
ucjeps | public | 497860 | 497860 |